2024 Horoscopes: The Best Paint Color for Every Zodiac Sign
Your next makeover is written in the stars.

Get ready for a massive transformation. We’ll let you decide if it’s your personality or your paint color. Either way, 2024 is shaping up to be one for the history books. Planet of transformation, Pluto is back in the sign that governs people, Aquarius until September 1st. It will have one last cameo in Capricorn and shimmy back into Aquarius where it will stay until March 2043! Pluto in Aquarius will bring much needed changes to humanity. It won’t feel like a cakewalk, but trust that it is for our greatest good. Saturn in Pisces helps us bring structure to creative pursuits. That home project you've been putting off? TIme to get to it! Planet of change, Uranus continues to hang in Taurus along with Jupiter for half the year, bringing both change and abundance to things we value. Being proactive about releasing things around your home to make room for the new, or…just to make room, can bring a peace that money can’t buy. But if you do happen to make some extra coins by reselling, why not invest in a new paint color for an overall refresh. I’ve done the heavy lifting for you - check out the 2024 paint horoscope for your zodiac sign!

Aries, you’re aligning with all that’s meant for you. And while it may feel stressful at times, you are exactly where you need to be. Make that your 2024 mantra. Your planetary ruler Mars will move into your sign around your birthday season and you’ll start to feel like your spicy self again. Sriracha isn’t only for your food. Too bold for you? Go with your Current Mood.

Taurus, Jupiter direct in your sign at the beginning of the year has you feeling all kinds of lucky and expansive. It’s GO Time. Say yes to all the things, now’s your time to strike while the iron’s hot. Jupiter will move along to Gemini in May, but you can accomplish a whole lot before then. You’re the golden child for the first half of the year. Let every hour be a Golden Hour.

Gemini, Saturn is bringing hard work and sacrifice to your career sector to make you resilient and more boss-like than you already are. When lucky Jupiter moves into your sign on May 25th, it’s game on. You’ll be supported in all endeavors so use your power wisely. The north node traveling through your house of networking will help you expand and go after your hopes and wishes. Will your Penthouse dreams come true?

Cancer, it’s time to get aligned with your soul’s desires. How can you better balance your work and home life? With eclipses happening in these areas of your life, it’s time to recalibrate. This could look like a physical move, a change in your family structure or a change to your career. Whatever it is, make sure your nest is looking correct like a new pair of Fresh Kicks.

Leo, it’s time to fly high both spiritually and mentally. This may manifest as expanding your horizons with more travel, or enrolling in a course to uplevel your skillset. By spring, you’ll be able to lean into your network to help you on your personal journey. You may even be inspired to start or lead a group of some sort. If you don’t feel confident, just Wing It. You’ve got this!

Virgo, your relationships are an important topic for the entire year with serious Saturn moving through your seventh house. Relationships that are not strong will stand out like a sore thumb. Is it time to let go? On the flip side, a person or people may become your rock, because let’s face it, you could benefit from someone helping you for once. So just Chill.

Libra, it’s time to change the game. The moon’s south node is cruising through your sign all year encouraging you to release old patterns and ways of living. This includes the way you exist in partnerships. You’re being taken on a higher path so embrace the journey. Financial gain is possible in partnerships at the beginning of the year. Seize the Gray.

Scorpio, your romantic fate and destiny await with lucky Jupiter moving through your partnership house for the first half of the year. The people you meet now have the ability to positively influence your life for years to come, so stay tapped in. Your health and optimizing your daily routine should be a focus this year and beyond. Don't you want to Meet Cute?

Sagittarius, new opportunities in the workplace are on the way. This is a time to expand professionally, but you may feel overwhelmed at times. You’ll need support from others. The second half of the year may bring a new person into your life - platonic or romantic, to give you just that. Don’t be afraid to take a Deep Dive into a new partnership.

Capricorn, it’s time for you to turn up the fun, romance and creativity in your life. Jupiter in your house of expression for the first half of the year is a breath of fresh air that sets the tone for a more enjoyable year. With the moon’s north node in your fourth house of home, it’s time to spruce things up a bit. You’ll be in the right Headspace to make beneficial home and family changes.

Aquarius, it’s time to step into your power with transformative Pluto in your first house. A total personality overhaul is on the way, but it will be a very slow transition. Lucky Jupiter in your 4th house of home and family for the first half of the year can bring the spirit of expansion. Refresh, renovations, real-estate? One or all three may be on the table. It will be Sublime.

Pisces, adding more structure and responsibility into your life is the name of the game for you this year. This may include increased financial responsibilities, or making sure you're making money, not money making you. In May, your home life becomes more of a focus and you may feel more bountiful and jovial in your space. It’s giving Mellow Mood.
Tamerri Ater is a Certified Professional Astrologer, Reiki Energy Healer, Founder of AstroFashionista, LLC and Gift of the Nile Wellness. With over 15 years of experience, Tamerri has advised thousands of clients on how to tap into their personal gifts to align with their soul’s destiny, life purpose, career path and improve and attract healthy relationships and partnerships.
Aries (3/21 to 4/20): 2024 Horoscope

Aries, you’re aligning with all that’s meant for you. And while it may feel stressful at times, you are exactly where you need to be. Make that your 2024 mantra. Your planetary ruler Mars will move into your sign around your birthday season and you’ll start to feel like your spicy self again. Sriracha isn’t only for your food. Too bold for you? Go with your Current Mood.
Taurus (4/21 to 5/20): 2024 Horoscope

Taurus, Jupiter direct in your sign at the beginning of the year has you feeling all kinds of lucky and expansive. It’s GO Time. Say yes to all the things, now’s your time to strike while the iron’s hot. Jupiter will move along to Gemini in May, but you can accomplish a whole lot before then. You’re the golden child for the first half of the year. Let every hour be a Golden Hour.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21): 2024 Horoscope

Gemini, Saturn is bringing hard work and sacrifice to your career sector to make you resilient and more boss-like than you already are. When lucky Jupiter moves into your sign on May 25th, it’s game on. You’ll be supported in all endeavors so use your power wisely. The north node traveling through your house of networking will help you expand and go after your hopes and wishes. Will your Penthouse dreams come true?
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22): 2024 Horoscope

Cancer, it’s time to get aligned with your soul’s desires. How can you better balance your work and home life? With eclipses happening in these areas of your life, it’s time to recalibrate. This could look like a physical move, a change in your family structure or a change to your career. Whatever it is, make sure your nest is looking correct like a new pair of Fresh Kicks.
Leo (7/23 to 8/23): 2024 Horoscope

Leo, it’s time to fly high both spiritually and mentally. This may manifest as expanding your horizons with more travel, or enrolling in a course to uplevel your skillset. By spring, you’ll be able to lean into your network to help you on your personal journey. You may even be inspired to start or lead a group of some sort. If you don’t feel confident, just Wing It. You’ve got this!
Virgo (8/24 to 9/23): 2024 Horoscope

Virgo, your relationships are an important topic for the entire year with serious Saturn moving through your seventh house. Relationships that are not strong will stand out like a sore thumb. Is it time to let go? On the flip side, a person or people may become your rock, because let’s face it, you could benefit from someone helping you for once. So just Chill.
Libra (9/24 to 10/23): 2024 Horoscope

Libra, it’s time to change the game. The moon’s south node is cruising through your sign all year encouraging you to release old patterns and ways of living. This includes the way you exist in partnerships. You’re being taken on a higher path so embrace the journey. Financial gain is possible in partnerships at the beginning of the year. Seize the Gray.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/22): 2024 Horoscope

Scorpio, your romantic fate and destiny await with lucky Jupiter moving through your partnership house for the first half of the year. The people you meet now have the ability to positively influence your life for years to come, so stay tapped in. Your health and optimizing your daily routine should be a focus this year and beyond. Don't you want to Meet Cute?
Sagittarius (11/23 to 12/21): 2024 Horoscope

Sagittarius, new opportunities in the workplace are on the way. This is a time to expand professionally, but you may feel overwhelmed at times. You’ll need support from others. The second half of the year may bring a new person into your life - platonic or romantic, to give you just that. Don’t be afraid to take a Deep Dive into a new partnership.
Capricorn (12/22 to 1/20): 2024 Horoscope

Capricorn, it’s time for you to turn up the fun, romance and creativity in your life. Jupiter in your house of expression for the first half of the year is a breath of fresh air that sets the tone for a more enjoyable year. With the moon’s north node in your fourth house of home, it’s time to spruce things up a bit. You’ll be in the right Headspace to make beneficial home and family changes.
Aquarius (1/21 to 2/19): 2024 Horoscope

Aquarius, it’s time to step into your power with transformative Pluto in your first house. A total personality overhaul is on the way, but it will be a very slow transition. Lucky Jupiter in your 4th house of home and family for the first half of the year can bring the spirit of expansion. Refresh, renovations, real-estate? One or all three may be on the table. It will be Sublime.
Pisces (2/20 to 3/20): 2024 Horoscope

Pisces, adding more structure and responsibility into your life is the name of the game for you this year. This may include increased financial responsibilities, or making sure you're making money, not money making you. In May, your home life becomes more of a focus and you may feel more bountiful and jovial in your space. It’s giving Mellow Mood.
Tamerri Ater is a Certified Professional Astrologer, Reiki Energy Healer, Founder of AstroFashionista, LLC and Gift of the Nile Wellness. With over 15 years of experience, Tamerri has advised thousands of clients on how to tap into their personal gifts to align with their soul’s destiny, life purpose, career path and improve and attract healthy relationships and partnerships.