What Color to Paint Your Walls, According to Your Zodiac Sign
Capricorn, put those Money Moves to good use.

For some much-needed insight, we tapped Tamerri Ater-Ntonni, a certified professional astrologer, reiki practitioner, and owner of AstroFashionista, who quickly validated our piqued interest in home makeovers. Get your creativity flowing and finish the year strong with these 2021 zodiac paint ideas!
Look around, Aries. Do your friendships look different? Your networking opportunities are expanding but your circle may become smaller, while you focus on quality (relationships), not quantity. The new connections you make along the way can be lucrative for your reputation and your bank account. I see lot of *virtual* Coffee Date(s) in your future.
With planets moving through your 10th house of career, you’ve hopefully, been making boss moves, Taurus. Change can be scary for you, but trust that everything is happening for your highest good. Step into a career or new position that lights you up and helps others at the same time. Your boardroom may be your bedroom at the moment, so keep it Chill as you transition from work to home mode.
All packed and ready to go with a pandemic ruining the vibe? The travel itch is on another level for you, Gemini. Mercury is your ruler, so being in the same spot for long periods of time is not your usual jam! It’s time to get creative and bring far-flung destinations into your home. Nairobi Blue should hold you over until you can get to your next adventure.
Cancer, it’s the perfect time to pay off any old debts, settle outstanding taxes, or close lingering issues that are preventing you from moving forward emotionally. With the moon as your ruler, you’re all about a good home vibe—the cozier the better. When your home does not feel good, you’re not as productive. Take a Deep Dive into the depths of your desires and create some new, much-needed harmony in your space.
A revamp to your relationship(s) has been in order to get you more in line with your naturally bright disposition, Leo. You single lions may feel the urge to settle down. Coupled cats may want to spice things up in the relationship department. Say no to people who are not on your same wavelength. Color is energy and you have lots of it. Turn up the heat with some Sriracha.
You’ve felt energized and motivated to make much-needed changes to your health and daily routine, Virgo. You’re known for being meticulous and at your best, super organized so if anyone can finish 2021 strong, it’s you. Start by sprucing up your personal space and you’ll stay On Point through the end of the year and beyond!
This year has been a time for you to get flirty, creative and to do all the things that make you feel inspired. There may be a push and pull between your responsibilities and your need to have fun. The key is balance: something your sign represents with the scales as your symbol. You can create your own pleasure. Don’t wait around for an opportunity to dress up. Meet Cute for yourself!
Scorp, your home and family life have taken the main stage and you’re setting up a foundation that will determine what your world looks like in the coming years. This could mean a home remodel, relocation, family member addition, or all the above! The key is to make your home a place that you love to be whether that is a countryside hideaway or a Penthouse in the city.
Sagi, you’ve been working on your communication style and expanding your knowledge in some way. You may even feel the urge to become active for some greater cause in your local community. You’re a philosopher at heart and probably enjoy collecting knowledge about a lot of different subjects. It’s a great time to finish an online course, work on your writing skills, or even take up more public speaking (yes, Zoom counts). You may have to Wing It from time to time, but you’ve got it!
You’ve had an interesting couple of years, Capricorn, with a lot of personal growth, lessons learned, and changes in your life. The stars planned for you to be more focused on money this year, music to your ears! You're being tasked with expanding your income in some way while also getting your financial ducks in order. An end-of-year planning session is recommended, so you can continue to make Money Moves and build for your future.
This has been a pinnacle year for you, Aquarius, with both expansive Jupiter and organizing Saturn in your sign. It’s a time to get in touch with what you really want to manifest in your life for the coming years. Once you get clear on your deepest desires, get to work and start on a realistic plan. The more personal effort you put in, the more you’ll be supported. Keep your eyes on the prize (whatever that means to you) and you’ll be as Good As Gold.
2021 has been transformative for you, Pisces, with you getting in touch with your deep psyche to tackle outdated ways of thinking. It’s time for you to clear the mental clutter and welcome a psychological refresh. It’s the end of a cycle for you and next year you’ll be stepping into new territory and expanding your horizons. But first, you need to clear your Headspace so you can stay in the game.