2023 Horoscopes and Paint Colors for Every Zodiac Sign

Ready to start the year off right? Ahead, expert astrologer Tamerri Ater (aka AstroFashionista) shares the guidance you need, straight from the stars.
Hold onto your horses, 2023 is a year of big shifts with several planets changing signs, the moon’s north node moving into Aries, and the south node moving into Libra. Themes of self versus others will take center stage. Lucky planet Jupiter will travel through Aries for the first half of the year and then shift into Taurus, giving us a jolt to start something new and see it through. Serious Saturn’s move into Pisces will challenge our collective view of compassion towards others. Lastly, we’ll get a taste of transformative Pluto’s power when it moves into Aquarius for the first time since 1778.
The way we relate to each other and see ourselves is changing, and it’s time to have your home reflect that metamorphosis. Check out all the 2023 horoscopes (and matching paint colors!) for every zodiac sign.
Aries (3/21 - 4/19): 2023 Horoscope
Aries, you’re finally coming out of what could have felt like a period of hibernation with Jupiter now moving into your first house of self. It’s time to think and live big. New opportunities arise and you can better align with your destiny, especially after the north node enters your sign in the second half of the year. It’s looking like Golden Hour all year!
Taurus (4/20 - 5/20): 2023 Horoscope
Taurus, the last few years have been a wild ride, which could feel discomforting for your comfort-loving sign. Luckily for you, Jupiter is moving into your sign in June, bringing some much needed luck into your life. You may also be on the brink of a major career or social status change. Make sure your resume and overall look are On Point.
Gemini (5/21 - 6/20): 2023 Horoscope
Gemini, you’ll be warming up the first couple months of the year as Mercury and Mars both go direct in your sign. Your top-tier mental agility is returning just in time for you to step into organization mode once serious Saturn moves into your tenth house of career and reputation in March. You may meet an important mentor, get a new boss, or become one. Lots of professional Coffee Dates are in your future.
Cancer (6/21 - 7/22): 2023 Horoscope
Cancer, lucky Jupiter travels through your tenth house of career and reputation the first half of the year, bringing possible good news in this area. A promotion or new opportunity may come that feels cosmically aligned, so make sure you’re prepared. Advanced learning may be your key to success. You don’t want to Wing It in a new position.
Leo (7/23 - 8/22): 2023 Horoscope
Leo, the beginning of a powerful transformation begins this spring when Pluto moves into your seventh house of partnerships, opposite your first house of self. Your most important relationships will provide powerful insight into your own personality. Jupiter in your ninth house of spirituality will have you longing for more alignment. Time to get into the right Headspace.
Virgo (8/23 - 9/22): 2023 Horoscope
Virgo, serious Saturn moves into your seventh house of partnerships in March to help you level up in this arena. Relationships of all sorts will be tested and only the strongest will survive. If you know deep down that you’re not compatible with a romantic or business partner, it’s time to let it go. Don’t be afraid, you may be Blue'd Up again in no time.
Libra (9/23 - 10/22): 2023 Horoscope
Libra, your favorite thing, relationships, come to the forefront mid year while Jupiter moves through your seventh house of partnerships, along with the north node. Your relationship status may change. Have faith that whatever happens is for your greater good. Work also ramps up when the year kicks off, so it’s not the time to Chill.
Scorpio (10/23 - 11/21): 2023 Horoscope
Scorpio, the past twelve months have been intense, forcing you out of your comfort zone, so you can become more in touch with your emotions. Lucky, Jupiter moves into your sixth house of daily routine and work for the first half of the year, making it possible to improve these areas. The second half of the year, relationships become a focus and you could meet your Princess or Prince.
Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21): 2023 Horoscope
Sagittarius, the domestic area of your life becomes a focus this year bringing home and family issues to the forefront. Home projects may seem like a burden, but they will pay off in the long run. You’re known for being a wanderlust, but it may be time to plant some roots if you haven’t already. Speak to your senses and go for what you love. Penthouse, anyone?
Capricorn (12/22 - 1/19): 2023 Horoscope
Capricorn, finances take center stage for you when Pluto, planet of transformation moves into your second house of income and self-worth in April. If you’re basing your self worth on what you have, that will be challenged, so you can adopt a new paradigm. The more you surrender, the easier it will be. Go with the Cosmic Vibes.
Aquarius (1/20 - 2/18): 2023 Horoscope
Aquarius, your last two years have been life changing and it doesn’t stop there for you. Your identity and how you express yourself in the world is gearing up for a very slow change once Pluto moves into your sign in April-October this year. It’s time to step into your personal power and use the resources around you. Take an emotional Deep Dive.
Pisces (2/19 - 3/20): 2023 Horoscope
Pisces, you were the astrological golden child for part of last year when Jupiter moved through your sign. This year your second and third houses get blessings from Jupiter, potentially increasing your pay and expanding your mind. Saturn moving into your sign will test you on how to be disciplined and responsible. Time to pause Rosé Season and get to business.
Tamerri Ater is a Certified Professional Astrologer, Reiki Energy Healer, Founder of AstroFashionista, LLC and Gift of the Nile Wellness. With over 15 years of experience, Tamerri has advised thousands of clients on how to tap into their personal gifts to align with their soul’s destiny, life purpose, career path and improve and attract healthy relationships and partnerships.